DANRACK is a display fixture for thin products such as books, CDs/DVDs, and video games.
By displaying the cover, which is the "face" of the product, at the front, it enhances visual appeal and is designed to be easy to pick up. It is made of B/F (3.0mm) material, which is strong and allows for stable display. It is lightweight and made of paper, so it is easy to move and dispose of. You can choose from 5 colors and we also offer custom printing.
*Please note that the product images are sample images.
Part number
Overall size
Width: approx. 450 x Depth: approx. 355 mm x Height: approx. 586 mm
1-tier size
Width: approx. 450 x Depth: approx. 63 mm x Height: approx. 178 mm
Cardboard B/F (thickness approx. 3.0 mm)
Coat White / Coat Red / Coat Cream / Coat Blue / Kraft
Assembly time
About 5 to 10 minutes
Orders placed before 12:00 will be shipped on the same day.
It will vary depending on the number of orders.
If you also order the creation of design data, a separate design fee will be required. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed estimate of the design fee. (If you submit the data yourself, we can create the product for only the above production fee.)
Size Name
Size Standard
Price (excluding tax)
Total of three sides up to 1,200 mm
Total of three sides up to 2,200mm
Total of three sides up to 3,000mm
*No design fee is required for additional printing (repeat orders).
*The unit price varies depending on the number of units produced. Please contact us and we will provide you with a quote.